News Reformations

For God’s sake, stop wetting yourself. You’ve been doing it since they announced they were getting back together! Putting that phone on repeat dial from 8.59am on Saturday was just a bit pathetic, don’t you think? And there really is no need to go to all four dates, and every festival they play. Just face it, they’re going to be shit.

Well, maybe. Every music officionado worth their Converse has been creaming themselves over the return of the Pixies for weeks, if not months. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened - almost like the second coming. Everyone loves Black Francis, don’t they?

In reality, meanwhile, where the majority of this generation would struggle to name you three Pixies songs, there are actually a lot of people who don’t give a damn. They care more about rocking out to their new heroes, moving on and listening to the next big thing. They dont care about past glories, a band is judged on its last song, and that could make the whole idea of reforming a less than brilliant idea for anyone considering it.

Lets face it, the band in question were never the most incendiary live act around. Yes, they have anthems, songs of true quality that deserve to be praised to the heavens and back. We’re not throwing in to doubt the fact that they could well be the best band in a lot of people’s living memory. The problem is that they have to prove themselves to a whole new generation all over again. They have enough in the locker, true, but its the possibility of new material that could really bring the train of the rails.

What if the new Pixies songs aren’t as good as the old ones? What if the memories we have are all through rose tinted spectacles? What if, and this isn’t meant as blasphemy, they’re shit?

Will it ruin everything that a whole army of music fans have held dear for years? If it isn’t perfect, it could end in tears.

Can you really see that happening? Jane’s Addiction managed to come back, and avoided being a disappointment in the process. If they can do it, there’s no reason a band of the stature of the Pixies can’t. Or at least thats what we’re praying for.

You had better cross your fingers too, just in case…

Tags: Pixies, Features

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