
Doe are calling it a day

They’ll be playing a farewell show at The Lexington in September.

Doe have announced over on Facebook that they’re calling it a day, the band will be no more following a farewell show at The Lexington on 7th September.

“It’s with a heavy but healthy heart that we must bring you some news,” the band wrote in a Facebook post. “The three of us have decided to stop making music as Doe and the band will be drawing to a close in a few months’ time.”

They go on to explain that this decision has been a possibility for a while now and that there’s no drama afoot, it’s a mutual and amicable decision.

It’s sad to hear that the band, who’s ‘Grow Into It’ album we have four stars, are splitting up. But, DIY wish Nicola, Jake and Dean all the best with all their future endeavours.

Read the full statement below:

“Dear everyone, it’s with a heavy but healthy heart that we must bring you some news:

The three of us have decided to stop making music as Doe and the band will be drawing to a close in a few months time. We’ll be playing a farewell show at The Lexington on Saturday September 7th. Tickets are now on sale here:

This has been on the cards for a while now and whilst it’s a 100% mutual/amicable/positive decision, it’s still very sad as this band has been a bigger part of our lives than we could ever put into words.

When we started Doe back in 2013, we met as strangers who had no idea what kind of journey we were about to embark on, we just knew we wanted to throw ourselves in head first and make as much noise as possible, whether people were listening or not. 6.5 years on and we are ending this journey as best friends who’ve had the privilege of taking our weird not-quite-indie, not-quite-punk, where’s-the-bassist-i don’t-get-it music all over the place, not just in our home country or even home continent, but the other side of the Atlantic too. We’ve met some lifelong friends whilst doing this. We’ve befriended and shared the stage with some of our heroes. We’ve been continuously humbled by people coming to shows and somehow knowing all the words, even the ones that we’ve forgotten. It’s easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of being in a band, the struggle is real and we’d be lying if we said it hasn’t often been stressful and anxiety-inducing to boot, but in spite of that it’s been the most incredible ride that we wouldn’t have swapped out for anything.

We’d like to say a very heartfelt thank you to everyone who’s supported us, whether that be by listening to our music, coming to our shows, promoting our shows, telling mates about us, putting out our records, writing about us, inviting us on tour, lending us gear, letting us crash on your couch/floor, making us food, buying us beers, letting us stroke your pets or even just lending us words of encouragement when we needed them the most. It all adds up and all of you have played a part in making this whole thing an unforgettable experience for us. A special mention must go to Alex and Matt, our two previous guitarists whose contributions to the band and our early output were utterly invaluable.

We’ll all be continuing to make music in various forms but for the time being, we really hope as many of you as possible can come out to the final show and party with us one last time!


Nicola, Jake and Dean xxx”

Tags: Doe, News

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