
That new Gorillaz album isn’t coming until 2017

Don’t worry, though - it’s “really fuckin’ special” apparently.

Gorillaz artistic collaborator Jamie Hewlett has confirmed that the band’s new album isn’t coming ‘til next year.

Speaking to fan-site GorillazNorthAmerica, the artist called the record “really fuckin’ special”, which is nice, if a bit potty-mouthed. Sadly, despite Jamie’s initial word in a DIY interview last October suggesting it was coming this year, he’s now stated that it “can’t be rushed”, so it looks like it’s been pushed back to 2017.

Good things come to those who wait, though, eh? They’re definitely in the studio (that’s that pesky Jamie leaking tidbits again), and they’ve been working with Vic Mensa, so we can be sure the wheels are turning. Damon Albarn did also hint at a 2016 release not even a month ago, so if you’re one of those hopeful types, there’s always that.

We recently inducted Gorillaz’s excellent ‘Demon Days’ into the DIY Hall Of Fame - catch up with that here.

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